Essential Resin Incense
Product Info
All resin to be used on charcoal and with caution, a little goes a long way
3 kings incense is a blend of resin incense used in setting space for meditation or reverence of spirit. This is used in Christian and other theologies.
7 Chakra Is a blend of resin-based incense is used to create a sacred space that helps you to align energetically and let go of negativity. Use during times of mediation.
Altar Blend is a great mix of ritual resins designed for purification, blessings and healing. Purification blessings, and healing. Perfect for altar work or general practice.
Basilica is used in many places of worship to lift the energy and spirits of the people attending. It can help relieve depression and anxiety. Use to create a sage connected space to meditate or do dream work.
Biblical Blend Frankincense and Myrrh resins are both recorded in the bible as sacred. Burning them together or alone have been shown to be an antiviral, antimicrobial, & creating a sacred space energetically. Use on charcoal with caution. A little will go a long way.
Cathedral Blend of resin is used in many places of worship around the globe. This blend brings a sense of community and unity as well as creating sacred space with God.
Celtic resin is a blend of incense that works to awaken ancient memories of self and empowerment. It is best used when working on self-discovery and creating a sacred space for growth.
Copal Resin Incense brings in positive loving energy. It can relieve anxiety and depression. It has been shown to be an antiviral, antimicrobial, and cleansing more than energetically. It also effectively raises vibration of space. Use on charcoal with caution. A little will go a long way.
Ethiopian is a blend of incense that works to create a sacred space. It is a blend of styrax, frankincense, myrrh and Benzione. Is best used when working with ancestors and connecting to your higher self.
Frankincense resin is historically known for its ability to create sacred space and it's amazing health benefits. Burning it has been shown to be an antiviral, antibacterial, and cleansing in more than energy. It is also effective in raising vibration of space. Use on charcoal with caution. A little will go a long way.
Healing Resin Blend is designed to create sacred space for healing. This is a blended mix of mind, body and spirit. Create space for your meditation and healing opportunity.
Mystical Dragon Brings personal power back to full alignment. With empowerment comes creativity, confidence, and ability to move forward and create.
Palo Santo is a holy and high vibrational wood used to clear and uplift the space. It also adds the protection and wisdom of the ancestors. Use in great reverence.
In Stock:
0.09 lb
Product Type:
Herbs and Energetic Cleansers
Essential Elements Wellness LLC